Mid Cap Portfolio

Mid Cap Investment Portfolios Demonstrate Strong Historical Growth

Mid cap equities offer a number of differences not found in large and small cap stocks. They tend to be a bit less risky than small caps but still offer better potential growth than large cap equities. Add to this the fact many analysts overlook mid cap stocks and you have a class of investments informed financial advisors can use to your benefit.
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Our Mid Cap Portfolio seeks to beat RMCC and lower volatility.

Mid cap companies generally offer a better performance history than small caps and are not as hidebound as many large caps.

The financial planners at Summit Investments use a tried and true method to focus in on the best opportunities for growth in the mid cap market. First, we start with all possible mid cap equities, passing all of them through a series of filters. We strip away unwanted businesses until we are left with 50 companies. These represent the best opportunity to maximizing the return on our clients’ investment.

As the market develops, we run automatic rebalancing operations to ensure the portfolio does not become too heavily weighted in any one sector. The result is a mid cap portfolio offering tremendous potential for growth that remains diversified through the long term.

Contact Summit for a free consultation on our mid cap investment portfolios.
Summit does not guarantee future performance and all investing includes the risk of loss.